• Your Trusted Behavioral Home Care

  • +1480 300 2143
  • 21549 N Backus DR, Maricopa. 85138-8600, Arizona

Our List of In-network Providers are growing

We understand the importance of providing in-network options for our patients. With more availability, we can make an even greater impact on our communities, addressing mental health, trauma, substance use disorders, eating disorders, sex addiction, and intimacy disorders

Below you’ll find an updated list of in-network insurance providers for our inpatient, outpatient, and virtual IOP levels of care, as well as some exciting insurance news about our workshops!

List of Insurance Companies

Inpatient Treatment

A network of specialist institutions, trusted behavioral home care, we offer inpatient treatment for behavioral health concerns, co-occurring disorders, childhood trauma, eating disorders, sexual addiction, intimacy problems, and sexual trauma.

Outpatient Treament

Our in-person and online IOP options can assist in separating out the emotions, behaviors, and causes to formulate a strategy for long-lasting healing, whether the issue is one of substance use disorders or mental health problems, or traumatic past experiences, chronic stress, burnout, or anxiety related to the pandemic.